W.I.P. : Non-Scaled Geara Doga Figure Base Pt. 1

Howdy! How have you been? Anyway, this past week, I was working with something and I think I can share it with you...

It's the Geara Doga Figure Custom Base. XD and it's a relax build.

It was so boring to see this figure alone so I decided to add some itty-bitty base. The figure itself is not that big, well, it's actual size is not larger than the bottle of Tamiya Extra Thin Cement as you can see here...

The base alone ~

As for the base, I only piled some 1.0mm High Impact Plastic Sheet and bind it with Tamiya Extra Thin Cement.

Applied some hardening clay for the rock texture and as you can see, I put some Tamiya Basic Putty because when the clay hardens, it cracks so I filled some cracks with the putty.

So far, this is my progress ~