W.I.P. : MG 1/100 Wing Zero Gundam Custom Restoration Pt. 1

I've decided to restore this MG 1/100 WZC which I got from a friend with a cheap, very cheap price. So cheap price mean less quality ( Sorry matt. LOL ). This kit is painted, which gave me hard time to strip it's paint, has damage, specially with the V-fin, the wings and the head. To make the long story short, I GOT THIS KIT FOR CHEAP PRICE WITH LOTS OF DAMAGE. LOL.

I also bought separate pairs of wings for this one because the wings that comes with this kit is in very, very bad shape ( sorry matt again, THANKS AMIR! HEHE. ).

My plan is to give it with some plating, custom color, and custom weapon.

Some pics of the kit ( only assembled it back and don't have any customization yet. )

As of now I've managed to give some progress for this kit that you can see in my next post. XD